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X Will Soon Provide Insight into When Your Audience is Active in the App

Social Media Today

Valuable metrics from X, but are enough brands still around for it to matter?

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Dropshipping with Magento: Common Questions and Answers

The Realtime Report

Dropshipping with Magento: Common Questions and Answers Dropshipping has become a mainstream business model in recent years, allowing entrepreneurs to sell products without holding inventory. This method can be a cost-effective way to open an online store and reach an international customer base without large upfront investments in stock. Dropshipping businesses generate almost 25% of all online sales , showing that this business model is here to stay.


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27 Ways I’m Using AI In Marketing Right Now

The Social Media Hat

A list of specific uses and applications of AI in marketing to inspire you. The post 27 Ways I’m Using AI In Marketing Right Now appeared first on The Social Media Hat.

Marketing 144
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How to win and keep new clients using audience insights [key strategies and tactics]


Discover essential strategies to win and retain clients with audience intelligence. Learn to leverage tools for precise targeting, personalized approaches, and building lasting client relationships. Optimize your client acquisition and retention now.

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21 Advanced ChatGPT Prompts To Take Your Social Media to the Next Level

Upgrade your social media game with our in-depth playbook: "21 advanced ChatGPT prompts for social media managers". These powerful prompts are tailored to supercharge your content creation, strategy development, and results analysis. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to endless creativity as you effortlessly generate engaging posts, come up with original strategies, and optimize your social media performance - all in a fraction of the time.

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#690: The Lead Magnet Playbook: A Step-By-Step Guide for Creating Lead Magnets That Convert

Amy Porterfield

Listen on… Creating an irresistible lead magnet to grow your email list and scale your business. Let me tell you – I would never have built the amazing […] The post #690: The Lead Magnet Playbook: A Step-By-Step Guide for Creating Lead Magnets That Convert appeared first on Amy Porterfield | Online Marketing Expert.

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Reddit Shares Insight into Evolving Discovery Trends

Social Media Today

Reddit’s latest report looks at how it’s emerging as a key discovery platform.

Reddit 209

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Unleashing the Potential of NetSuite: Leveraging Key Features to Drive Business Growth

The Realtime Report

Unleashing the Potential of NetSuite: Leveraging Key Features to Drive Business Growth Unlocking the full potential of NetSuite is crucial for businesses aiming to thrive in today’s competitive market. NetSuite offers a comprehensive suite of features and capabilities that can significantly impact operations, productivity, and profitability. Businesses can propel their growth to new heights by effectively understanding and harnessing these features.

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Brandwatch Unveils Game-Changing Case Management Feature, Revolutionizing Social Customer Care

Bill Hartzer

Brandwatch, the leader in social media intelligence, has introduced its innovative Case Management feature within its social media suite. This cutting-edge tool is set to revolutionize how brands manage customer interactions, transitioning from mere community management to comprehensive customer care. This development promises to deepen customer relationships and significantly boost brand loyalty.

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The Power of a Strong Personal Brand on LinkedIn


A strong personal brand on LinkedIn not only helps you stand out as a thought leader but can also open doors for you in your career. In this episode, Alesia Veasman shares her personal branding journey on LinkedIn and her top tips for getting started. Listen to the Podcast: Or subscribe on Spotify , Apple Podcasts , or YouTube Watch the live recording: Episode Summary From the moment she noticed personal pages performed far better than brand pages on LinkedIn, Alesia became obsessed with the pow

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X Will Soon Make Live-Streaming a Premium Only Feature

Social Media Today

The update will reduce the amount of live-streams in the app.

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Social Media Automation 101

A beginner's guide to social media automation tools and getting automation right.

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Room to Grow: Helping your clients grow their market share


Like any relationship, the Client and Agency relationship can, at times, be a complicated one. There can be misaligned expectations, communication issues, creative differences, personality clashes, and fights about money (marketing budget).

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The most important role on your social marketing team probably doesn’t exist yet

Sprout Social

When I kickoff work with CMOs as an upper-funnel marketing consultant and we discuss their social team org structure, the first thing I say to them is, “Can I actually hear about how your paid social team is staffed and how strong your customer acquisition costs and return on ad spend are first?” This question always surprises them. But once I break down why I’m asking, they quickly understand.

Team 65
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#691: How to Make Money Online: Social Media vs. Email List

Amy Porterfield

Listen on… Prioritizing your email list to connect directly with potential buyers and scale your business. What if I told you that you’re just one email away from […] The post #691: How to Make Money Online: Social Media vs. Email List appeared first on Amy Porterfield | Online Marketing Expert.

List 56
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AI and the art of meaningful conversation


Ruth Zive, CMO of LivePerson stops by the Radically Transparent podcast to reveal an unexpected truth: the most powerful tools in business are not advanced AI technology or sophisticated algorithms. It’s the simple act of conversation. Listen to the podcast: Watch the live recording: Or subscribe on Spotify , Apple Podcasts , or YouTube. Episode Summary Conversations captivate us.

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The Content Marketing Survival Guide: How to Navigate the Wilds of Social Media

Use this guide to inspire your creativity and ignite more successful and sustainable social media conversations.

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Can Elon Musk Turn X Into a Key Financial Platform?

Social Media Today

Elon’s broader plan for X is taking time to formulate - but will it work?

Platform 209
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US Presidential Debate: Hype, Spin, Memes, and Newsjacking


Thursday June 27 brings the first US Presidential debate of the 2024 election season. I love watching it play out before, during, and after the 90 minutes the candidate spar live on stage. The media will be hyping, the campaigns will be spinning, and memesters will be doing their viral thing. We may see some clever newsjacking too. What’s fascinating to me as a marketing strategist is the different ways people will consume the content of the debate.

Meme 57
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Spotlight on UK influencers: industry trends and icons

Sprout Social

Is your brand looking to expand across the UK? Or perhaps you’re an international brand planning to enter the UK market? UK influencers may help get your offer in front of the right people. These social media stars know the ins and outs, have the trust of their followers and have a proven track record of creating engaging content. Plus, with their established credibility and extensive networks, aligning with a UK influencer will give your brand the localized social proof it needs to thrive.

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BONUS: Dream Bigger, Fail Harder with Uncle Nearest Founder & CEO, Fawn Weaver

Amy Porterfield

Listen on… Embracing your confidence, launching your wealth, and leading your business to the top. My friend, are you ready for some real-deal inspiration as strong and delicious […] The post BONUS: Dream Bigger, Fail Harder with Uncle Nearest Founder & CEO, Fawn Weaver appeared first on Amy Porterfield | Online Marketing Expert.

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Social Media Marketing GPS

SMGPS will tell you the why & how to use social media for marketing, 1 tweet at a time. You'll learn essentials in digestible little spoonfuls.

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How To Use User Generated Content To Bring More Customers

User-generated content (UGC) has shifted from a nice-to-have to an essential component of modern marketing. Today, where traditional advertising methods often fall short, brands are turning to their customers to create and share authentic content. This approach not only bolsters brand credibility but also fosters a deeper sense of community and trust among consumers.

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TikTok Expands ‘Out of Phone’ Campaigns with UGC

Social Media Today

Out of Home: Branded Mission will invite TikTok creators to participate in off-platform promotions.

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New 9th Edition of The New Rules of Marketing & PR Coming in August!


The marketing & PR world has changed significantly in the past two years because of the wide adoption of Generative AI tools like ChatGPT. I’ve been working for months on the newest version of The New Rules of Marketing and PR to include the tools and tactics for how to deploy AI.

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New Technology Unlocks Atomic-Level Insights into Catalysts


Pioneering Research at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. A groundbreaking technique developed by scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) is revolutionizing our understanding of catalysts at the atomic level. This innovative approach allows researchers to peer into electrochemical processes with unprecedented resolution, shedding light on a popular catalyst material that could transform the way we generate fuels and power our world.

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How to Be Social: A Social Media Manifesto

Learn the 10 worst social media marketing mistakes and how to avoid them.

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Five Tips on how to use the Olympic Games for your Social Media Marketing


In this blog post, you will learn why sports content is particularly popular on social networks and how you can leverage major sporting events like the Olympics for your social media content marketing. Why Sports Marketing on Social Media is Promising The year 2024 is all about sports. Major events such as the European Football […] Der Beitrag Five Tips on how to use the Olympic Games for your Social Media Marketing erschien zuerst auf Blog2Social Blog – Tips for social media marketing, sh

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Computer Keeps Crashing When Playing Games – How to Fix?


Just Imagine being busy doing something interesting only to be unexpectedly stopped by your computer crashing or freezing. We are sure this has happened to you at one point while playing your favorite game online. Isn’t it? Don’t worry! We have got you covered. In this detailed guide, we’ll look at why these crashes and freezes happen and give you helpful tips to make your gaming time go smoothly without any interruptions.

How To 13
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TikTok Files Official Motion to Oppose US Sell-Off Push

Social Media Today

TikTok has outlined its case in opposition to the US Government's sell-off bill.

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Top 10 Brands Excelling at Pinterest Marketing

Social Media Strategies Summit

Did you think Pinterest was just for moodboarding your latest hairstyle or that exotic overseas trip you’ll never actually end up taking? Think again. The #1 reason people use Pinterest is to find new products and brands , which makes the visual social media platform an absolute gold mine for social media marketers looking to drive sales and reach new audiences.

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8 Stupid Simple Social Media Tricks to Boost SEO

Discover just how easy it is to boost SEO with social media.

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Samsung Foundry Faces Challenges in 3nm Process: Yield & Efficiency Concerns


Samsung Electronics Foundry Division, a major player in semiconductor manufacturing, is grappling with significant hurdles in its 3nm process technology. Despite declaring the start of 3nm mass production three years ago, Samsung’s first-generation 3nm node (SF3E) has fallen short of expectations in both yield and efficiency. This struggle has implications for the company’s market share and competitiveness.

Process 44
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8 Secrets to Crafting Blog Post Titles That Will Set the Internet Ablaze


The post 8 Secrets to Crafting Blog Post Titles That Will Set the Internet Ablaze appeared first on ProBlogger. Titles change the destiny of your posts. Those few words at the beginning of your blog post can be the difference between the post being read and spread like a virus through the web like a wild fire and it languishing in your archives, barely noticed.

RSS 41
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Top 8 Ways to Fix Control Panel Not Opening in Windows 11/10


We have all been in that situation when you wanted to open the Control Panel on Windows but could not open it. Control Panel on computers is an essential component of Windows. It allows users to adjust various parameters enabling them to operate it accordingly; for instance, whenever this feature ceases to work one may get stuck or fail to perform some vital tasks.

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YouTube Will Share Creator Tips and Insights at VidCon 2024

Social Media Today

YouTube has outlined a range of valuable info sessions for VidCon 2024.

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The pros and cons of social media in healthcare

Sprout Social

The healthcare industry has always been a bit conservative when it comes to adopting new tech—and social media is no exception. Although experienced professionals understand that social media is transformative for healthcare organizations, some still need to persuade their leaders of its impact and elevate their strategies. From boosting patient engagement to transforming service delivery, the potential benefits are huge.