June, 2012

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Six essential shifts in social media strategy

Dave Fleet

We’ve reached a critical point in the evolution of social media as a business tool. Gone are the days when the GMOOT (Get Me One Of Those) approach will get you anywhere – simply having a Twitter account, or a Facebook Page, isn’t enough. We’re at the point of social media saturation, and something’s got to give. So began the session description for my recent presentation at BlogWorld New York.

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Embarrassing updates in social media

Sherrilynne Starkie

Nicked from Marketing Pilgrim. Ever update your Facebook with a silly remark and then regret it? It happens all the time. Now, there’s a new website that collates people’s embarrassing updates, categorizes them and publishes them for all world to see (again). It’s called We Know What You’re Doing. “I love my work. I just hate my boss,” says Donovane van D, while Polly B announces, “One good thing about being super hungover is my mum gives me a lisence

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How to Schedule a Facebook Post

Harp Interactive

Recently, Facebook added the ability to pre or post schedule posts.and it's free! Here's how.

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Opting-Out Of Facebook Sponsored Stories May Be On The Way

SocMed Sean

In 2011, Facebook announced a new advertising program called “Sponsored Stories” that basically told your friends what you were doing in the form of an add. For instance, if I posted “Grabbing my third cup of coffee from Starbucks today. Watch out co-workers!” as a Facebook status update, then Facebook could re-purpose that post and and add this advertisement to any of my friends’ news feeds: This blog post brought to you by Facebook Ads…just kidding Unfortuna

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21 Advanced ChatGPT Prompts To Take Your Social Media to the Next Level

Upgrade your social media game with our in-depth playbook: "21 advanced ChatGPT prompts for social media managers". These powerful prompts are tailored to supercharge your content creation, strategy development, and results analysis. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to endless creativity as you effortlessly generate engaging posts, come up with original strategies, and optimize your social media performance - all in a fraction of the time.

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5 Facebook Posts That Need To Stop

Jason Yormark

I interrupt my regularly scheduled programming, to bring you this message in hopes that I can assist in cleaning up our Facebook feeds from unnecessary and often over done posts. Yes, we all choose our Facebook friends and thus are responsible for what we see, but I can’t help but point out a few things that…let’s be honest, deep down we all want to see less of right?

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5 Useful Facebook Updates To Notice


Tweet As we already know, Facebook is constantly testing new features and optimising how the platform works, both for personal profiles, but also for company pages and Facebook’s marketing opportunities. A number of useful functionalities have been implemented lately for Facebook pages, which will come in handy for page admins. In the following I will go through some of them. 1.

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More Trending

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Branding You: using social media to find a job

Sherrilynne Starkie

The CPRS Ottawa /Gatineau Student Program recently invited me to speak to a group of recent public relations and communications graduates. The event was designed to help students make the transition to PR professional and support them in their search for a full-time job. My short presentation focused on how to use social media for job search. I gave a brief overview on how recruiters use social media to source applicants and advertise vacancies.

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22 Simple Tips to Grow Your Email List Organically


While social media marketing like Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn are getting tons of interest, email is still KING. Email is used far more than Facebook and Twitter combined. How much more? Daily activity for Facebook: 60 million updates. Twitter: 140 million tweets per day. Email? 188 billion messages per day. Email continues to be used each day by 93% of consumers.

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Weak Passwords Can Jeopardize Your Personal And Professional Security [Infographic]

SocMed Sean

Are your passwords strong? Better yet…are they weak? Do you know the difference? I know, I know…passwords are a pain. They’re hard to remember, sites keep making you change them and don’t even get me started on the process you have to go through to reset them. It would just be better if we could all use 1234 as our passwords, right?

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5 Reasons I Think Facebook Is On The Decline

Jason Yormark

Crazy right? Who in their right mind would make a silly claim about a network that has close to 900 million active users with average usage times close to 20 minutes per day? The fact is, no one is bullet proof. Ask Yahoo, MySpace or … , all major networks that ruled heavily at one time and all which fell from grace to other up and comers. I’ve felt a growing sense that Facebook might have already peaked and is currently beginning to slide.

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Social Media Automation 101

A beginner's guide to social media automation tools and getting automation right.

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Which Social Network Has The Highest User Activity? [infographic]


Tweet Are you considering which social networking site to spend your time and money on? The web design company Go-Gulf.com has compiled an infographic that compares the latest user statistics of the social networking sites Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Linkedin and Pinterest to see which one has the highest user activity. It is no surprise that Facebook takes the lead.

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Tweet After Death: How to Use Social Media to Live Forever

Waxing UnLyrical

I don’t believe in ghosts. I know, that seems rather snappy and off-handed to say, so immediately like that, but I don’t. I’m not saying I don’t have views on the universe, spirituality, whatever …. I just don’t believe in ghosts. So I’m not the kind of guy who says that you will be able to reach out and posthumously communicate with people… unless, of course, I thought that there was really a way to do something like that.

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Award win for TFC and OREA

Sherrilynne Starkie

The agency I work for, Thornley Fallis Communications, and our client, the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA), have just been awarded a Gold Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) National Award of Excellence – for Best Multi-Media Projects for external audiences. The video below showcases the campaign: Congrats to the account team! Related posts: Bloggers are important in PR.

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8 Sure-Fire Ways to Get Unfriended on Facebook

Almost Savvy

Ah, our Facebook friends. Some we can’t live without and, well, then there are those other ones. It is the latter group that I’m focusing on today. We all know people like this, right?The chatty co-worker, the family member who can’t keep a secret, that pretty girl you sat next to in junior high school. Wait a minute…if we all know people like this, is it possible that you might be one of those people, too?

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The Content Marketing Survival Guide: How to Navigate the Wilds of Social Media

Use this guide to inspire your creativity and ignite more successful and sustainable social media conversations.

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Thou Shalt Not Auto-Direct Message On Twitter

SocMed Sean

I’m going to go on my soapbox just one more time in the hopes that this message goes viral , spreads through the Interwebs, and finally convinces every “online marketer”, “ social media guru ” and “eBook entrepreneur” that they should, once-and-for-all, turn off Twitter auto-direct messaging. If you’re not familiar with the concept, you’re lucky.

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It’s Not Your Facebook Page, It’s You (That’s The Problem)


I hear it a lot. “We had/have a Facebook page, but it didn’t/doesn’t do anything.” If you’re thinking this right now about your brand’s Facebook page, forgive me for being the bearer of bad news, but your Facebook page is not going to do anything. YOU have to do something… First, YOU have to determine if your audience is on Facebook.

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Report: Social Marketing Is More Than Just Likes [Report]


Tweet Recently, ComScore , the global leader in measuring the digital world, published a report on social marketing and how it’s not just about getting likes! The report called “The Power of Like 2 – How Social Marketing Works” was made in a research collaboration with Facebook in order to deliver unique insights on social media marketing. Facebook pages are the go-to destination.

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Blogging Upstream

Waxing UnLyrical

Guest post by Marcia Zellers. Some of us follow the current; some of us prefer to swim upstream. I have never had much interest in the status quo, and I get a particular charge out of trying to spot the blurry opportunities hiding behind society’s clear-cut edges. Tootzypop , the lifestyle blog I founded for savvy women over 40 , is no exception. We’re growing, and I’m convinced we’re onto something – our readers tell us all the time how much they look forward to their “daily Tootzypop” …

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Social Media Marketing GPS

SMGPS will tell you the why & how to use social media for marketing, 1 tweet at a time. You'll learn essentials in digestible little spoonfuls.

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The all new Foursquare

Sherrilynne Starkie

Foursquare has been around for a few years and has always been a bit of location-based fun. Users ‘checked in’ at places they had visited to compete with friends for points and, very occasionally, get free products and services. The social network boasts a community of 20 million users, but never really seemed to go mainstream. But that’s set to change with yesterday’s relaunch of the ‘All new Foursquare ‘ Image via CrunchBase.

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12 Ways to Improve Focus

Justin Levy

We’re all incredibly busy these days trying to balance an endless list of demands on our time. Every day it seems as though we’re saying “yes” to another personal or professional project while jotting down another idea that we hope to pursue someday. Add that to the never ending abundance of information from blog posts to tweets to status updates to magazines, books and other forms of media and you can quickly start to feel like we’re drowning.

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The One Tip That Took My Blog To New Levels. Stop Caring.

SocMed Sean

I’ve been blogging for about 5 years now and as I look back over those years, I’m amazed at how much I have learned. Not just from researching and writing articles, but form the comments/feedback that I have received and the conversations that have been sparked with others via social networks like Twitter. I originally started at IntranetExperience.com and eventually moved over here to SocMedSean.com to expand my writings beyond internal social networks to both internal and external.

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Will SEO Exist in 2015?

Techipedia: Tamar Weinberg

This is a guest post by Brad Shorr. SEO used to be a self-standing marketing discipline, having a well defined, generally accepted set of activities and objectives. No more. Today, SEO is much more intertwined with other marketing activities, making it difficult to know where SEO ends and where social media, for example, begins. Furthermore, recent developments at Google suggest that the search engine giant has embarked on a strategic campaign to change the nature of, and in many ways devalue, t

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How to Be Social: A Social Media Manifesto

Learn the 10 worst social media marketing mistakes and how to avoid them.

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Use Instagram to Create Visual Engagement


Tweet Instantaneous mobile photo sharing is becoming increasingly popular. The Facebook-owned mobile photo editing and sharing network Instagram has been around since October 2010 and by April 2012, the platform had 30 million users worldwide. A couple of weeks ago, Facebook launched their own ‘Facebook camera’ bringing smartphone photo editing to the social network that first made instant photo sharing go a mainstream.

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The Intern and the Executive Coach, Part I: Clueless

Waxing UnLyrical

This is a true story. I received this email about a month ago. Now, I’m used to getting bad pitches on a regular basis (which is an extremely sad thing to admit as a state of regularity for the public relations industry), but this one made even my jaw drop: Hello, My name is and I am the current intern at __. I was wondering/hoping you could tell me who is in charge of receiving press releases having to do with the garment and accessories industry?

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Influencer Shminfluencer: The Truth Under the Covers

Buzz Marketing for Technology

Hey, I feel for you. You’re launching a new campaign and you want to find the most influential people to inform and to win over as advocates. Your CEO asked you to put together a list of influencers but you know the score- every famous person is inundated by such requests and you feel your product or service will be lost in the noise. Luckily, you are a Socially-aware CMO and you have the right answer: the little “i” influencer- those unsung folks who can help supercharge your brand and make

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22 Simple Tips to Build Your Email List Organically


While social media marketing like Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn are getting tons of interest, email is still KING. Email is used far more than Facebook and Twitter combined. How much more? Daily activity for Facebook: 60 million updates. Twitter: 140 million tweets per day. Email? 188 billion messages per day. Email continues to be used each day by 93% of consumers.

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8 Stupid Simple Social Media Tricks to Boost SEO

Discover just how easy it is to boost SEO with social media.

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Foursquare Evolves From Gamification To Recommendation – But Why?

SocMed Sean

Of all the location-based social networks out there, Foursquare certainly has been the one to outlast the competition. Notice how I chose my words carefully. I didn’t say “Foursquare has beaten the competition” or “Foursquare has succeed”…I just said they outlasted the competition. Competitors like Yelp, GoWalla and Loopt have fallen by the wayside, leaving Foursquare to be the one left standing.

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Facebook Promoted Posts: 5 Must-Reads


Here are your 5 must-reads on Facebook’s Promoted Posts that began rolling out last week. Facebook Promoted Posts: A Step-By-Step Guide. By Lauren Drell Facebook has started rolling out Promoted Posts for Brand Pages, a new feature that allows businesses to pay for posts to be more predominantly displayed on news feeds. Facebook Launches Promoted Posts For Pages.

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The Performance of 100 Icon Brands on Facebook [report]


Tweet The Following post is part of the Mindjumpers Network series and written by our CEO, Jonas Klit Nielsen. Mindjumpers Network is a global network of local country community managers enabling international companies to execute and maintain brand communities in a structured, quality assured and cost effective way across markets with the aim of creating effect and value.

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How Nissan Micra Rode the Social Media Bandwagon

Waxing UnLyrical

Finally! I have a new car! It took me just 24 hours to gather advice from my friends and family and decide which car to buy (unlike how my dad used to endlessly agonize over the same decision). Social tools have helped break down barriers between people, and information sharing has become far easier and quicker. These days, it moves really quickly… we now get to know about earthquakes around the world on social media platforms even before the news reaches broadcasters.

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Being Prepared with Back-Pocket Metrics

Justin Levy

You’re walking towards a conference room when one of the senior executives at your company passes you and stops for a minute to inquire into how everything within your functional area is going. Not having had the proper time to rehearse your KPI slide as you typically would before meeting with them, you quickly provide a generic answer such as: “Everything is going great.

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