May, 2011

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Don’t Be Fooled By Last-Click Analysis Of Social Media

Dave Fleet

Forrester recently published a report entitled “ The Purchase Path of Online Buyers.&# Normally I’m a fan of Forrester’s reports, but this one left me scratching my head. The report looks at transaction data from 15 clients of a marketing agency (let’s ignore that built-in bias, and convenient product placement in the recommendations, for the sake of this post) to draw conclusions about buyer behaviour including: Most buyers do not arrive at a site directly — they c

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The Nifty 50 Top Women of Twitter for 2011

Webbiquity SMM

Few phenomena have ever spread as far and grown as rapidly as social media; obviously, this has tapped into something essential to our nature. What is it? The answer may come from the email marketing field. According to a recent study by email service provider Aweber, four simple words virtually guaranteed to get an email opened are: “You are not alone.”.

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3 Mistakes You’re Making Online

Almost Savvy

Oy, the internet. Must it be so complicated? Can’t we all just have fun online and not worry so much? While some people do take that approach, but I certainly wouldn’t recommend it. If you’re reading this, chances are you’re active online and chances are you’re making one of these mistakes. OK, maybe you specifically aren’t doing these things, but many of our friends are. 1.

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The 9 Deadly Sins of Facebook Pages and Their Administrators

Justin Levy

When I speak to groups or am interviewed about Facebook, I am often asked to provide examples of companies that are “doing it right.&# With well north of 500 million users who spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook, companies are increasingly interested in how Facebook can be leveraged as part of their marketing campaigns. It’s only natural.

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21 Advanced ChatGPT Prompts To Take Your Social Media to the Next Level

Upgrade your social media game with our in-depth playbook: "21 advanced ChatGPT prompts for social media managers". These powerful prompts are tailored to supercharge your content creation, strategy development, and results analysis. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to endless creativity as you effortlessly generate engaging posts, come up with original strategies, and optimize your social media performance - all in a fraction of the time.

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How To Use Facebook For Marketing


Tweet Facebook has published a Best Practice Guide for how to use their platform for marketing. The guide provides a great overview of the marketing potential in having a presence on Facebook as well as suggestions for some strategic steps to go through when building a presence. In the following are some of the key points from the guide. Depending on what type of business or brand you are, there are several advantages by being present.

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Are You a Social Media BarfShiner?

Waxing UnLyrical

Today’s post has been a few months in the making, and a lot of people contributed to it. Now, you’re probably wondering what a “barfshiner&# is. You won’t find a definition in any dictionary, as far as I can tell, but the word came about thanks to Jill Foster and Erica Holt who, despite never having met each other (to the best of my knowledge), came together via the comment thread on a recent question I asked via Facebook and Twitter: “ Do you secretly want to puke

More Trending

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Is YouTube Part Of Your Social Media Strategy?

Jason Yormark

YouTube just turned 6 today and they released some staggering statistics ( source link ): -3 billion views per day (up 50% in the past 12 months). -48 hours of video are uploaded every single minute (100% increase year over year). -142.7 million unique viewers per month. So the question you have to ask yourself is, are you using YouTube as part of your overall marketing or blogging strategy?

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Facebook Friend Requests: Accept or Ignore?

Almost Savvy

Everybody uses Facebook differently. Just like all of social media, there is no one right way to use it. Still, I’m often asked how I use it. One of the common questions about Facebook concerns friend requests. How to choose which to accept and which to ignore? My own criteria may or may not be a fit for you, but here’s my best attempt in articulating my very unscientific process: I’m kind of picky.

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Best Tips for Getting Your Posts Shared on Facebook


Small (and not so small) business owners often ask me: “Yasmin, WHAT do I post on Facebook, can you give me some ideas, where do I start?” I know, it’s so difficult to come up with great, original, rich, interesting, content (whew!) that will encourage your fans and friends to SHARE IT on Facebook, spreading.

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A World Without Facebook [infographic]


Tweet The blog called SingleGrain already imagined how the world would look like without Google , but now the time has come to look at Facebook. In this relation they have compiled this infographic that looks into different Facebook stats: how much time do we spend on Facebook, which countries have the most users and so on. It is of course one of the many infographics looking at Facebook, but in my opinion it is always interesting to have the scope of Facebook illustrated visually.

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Social Media Automation 101

A beginner's guide to social media automation tools and getting automation right.

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Paid Owned and Earned media – the benefits of owning them all

Buzz Marketing for Technology

Few marketers today have the luxury of being about to combine all forms of media under one umbrella. It takes a certain size company to be able to take one individual and let them control all forms of media. If your company is too big then you get owners of each media and the silos they create – minimizing your chance to optimize across them all. If your firm is too small then the paid media budget is meaningless and you’re really just maximizing your earned and owned media mostly.

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The Non-Review Review: The Now Revolution

Dave Fleet

A quick confession for you: about six months ago I snagged a pre-release copy of the book “ The Now Revolution ,&# by my friends Amber Naslund and Jay Baer. I quickly read it, absorbed it and loved it. Then I got busy… really busy… and failed to find time to write a review of the book. Over time, my memory of the specific highlights faded and it became more and more futile to try to write the review without re-reading the book.

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3 Resources for PR/Social Media Pros & Small Biz Owners

Waxing UnLyrical

There have been so many great resources coming my way lately, I just had to share. ‘Cos you know, that is what Iizallabout! So let’s get to them. 1. The daily PR & Marketing calendar of event hashtags. Time was there was a “season&# for conferences. Now, it seems there’s a conference pretty much every day of the week, sometimes more than one.

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Twenty4Change: small acts making a big difference


It’s about the interaction of people, food, restaurants, conversation and small community organizations. It’s so easy to go out for a meal and overspend. I started thinking it would be fun to meet up with friends, have a fixed price meal and donate $20 to an organization. The idea evolved over almost 2 years into Twenty4Change. Here’s the gist of my rationale: • People go out to eat all the time.

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The Content Marketing Survival Guide: How to Navigate the Wilds of Social Media

Use this guide to inspire your creativity and ignite more successful and sustainable social media conversations.

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Do you have a Facebook Username for your Business or Personal Profile Page?


UPDATE TO THIS POST SEPTEMBER 16, 2011: HOT NEWS – You can get a Facebook Page Custom URL WITHOUT 25 Likes! Just follow the steps I outline below! Continue reading… I know this may seem basic, but it surprises me how many people who own a small business and are on Facebook don’t know.

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The Reality Behind the Check-In Hype [infographic]


Tweet About a year ago location based services (LBS) such as Foursquare , Gowalla was announced as the new big thing in digital and social media. Facebook has of course been good at picking up on media trends as they launch their own LBS service in Facebook Places in August 2010. Now approaching a year after the launch of Places, we have found this infographic, which is taking a reality check on the state of location based services focusing on Foursquare and Facebook Places.

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There really is an ROI in Social Media – I’ve seen it!

Buzz Marketing for Technology

I really don’t get it. I recently saw an article from MarketingSherpa that said 62% of CMO’s believe that social media marketing will pay off … eventually! That’s 6 out of every 10 CMOs. All I can say is what are you reading and where are you hiding yourself? In my mind this is the reason why the CMO tenure is a tender 22 months because they aren’t able to find a way to deliver meaningful results.

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Dave Fleet

I can’t take it any more. For years I’ve suffered in (relative) silence, while we’ve continued to use a tool that doesn’t seem to reflect any form of reality, yet no-one seems to say anything about it. I need to ask: Why do people still use Case in point. Let’s take a look at my site – I’m not going to lie — I’ve neglected this poor thing recently, so traffic numbers have dropped… but Compete makes it look as

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Social Media Marketing GPS

SMGPS will tell you the why & how to use social media for marketing, 1 tweet at a time. You'll learn essentials in digestible little spoonfuls.

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Smear Tactics: Great for BBQ, but PR? Not So Much

Waxing UnLyrical

I remember the foul quite clearly. It was a Saturday morning and your Grinnell Tigers 8 th Grade Boys “B&# team was playing its hated rival, the South Tama Trojans. It was early in the 3rd quarter and the hero of this tale, yours truly, had just been called for a foul, and was protesting under his breath (because I didn’t want a technical.

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Hyper Alerts: Facebook’s Missing Link


It can get pretty noisy on Facebook. Between comments, birthdays, likes, friend requests, Foursquare check-ins, events and Farmville requests (seriously, can we be all done with Farmville?) it can seem like there’s a notification for everything. Timmy logged on: alert! Timmy is now friends with Johnny: alert! Timmy adjusted the height of his chair: ALERT!

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The Success of Customer Service is Dependent Upon True Social Engagement

Techipedia: Tamar Weinberg

With social media now a mainstream activity — after all, nearly 700 million users are on Facebook , 300 million users are on Twitter , 61.4% of global internet users are managing online profiles , and millions of other users are engaging online across thousands of social platforms — it’s imperative that a business have a functional social media plan.

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Why Social Media is not a Cheaper Alternative > $5 [part I]


Tweet Written by Tehneyat who works with social media for the advertising agency Wunderman in London, United Kingdom. You can follow Tehneyat on Twitter @tehneyat. Incorrect Assumption: Social Media is Cheap. Social media is not cheap. It costs, because you have hired good people who do good work that takes time, and it costs. It is an ignorant, but growing, assumption that social media is cheap.

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How to Be Social: A Social Media Manifesto

Learn the 10 worst social media marketing mistakes and how to avoid them.

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The Unsung Heroes of Social Media

Adam Cohen

The business side of social media is evolving on a daily basis. People in roles all across businesses are scrambling to keep up with what customers are doing and how their behaviors and attitudes are evolving. In any industry, those who build experience as practitioners early on have a great opportunity to distinguish themselves among industry peers.

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Triberr: How I Increased My Reach To Over 300,000 (And Growing)

Jason Yormark

A few weeks ago I stumbled across a very interesting tool called Triberr. Simply. put, Triberr is a way for you to retweet other bloggers posts that you know and trust, and have them potentially do the same for you as well. You join and/or create “tribes” of those in your network that you feel comfortable associating with, and through those established connections, build a network of individuals that mutually share each other’s content.

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PR and Social Media Measurement: A Bright Outlook

Waxing UnLyrical

Guest post by Richard Bagnall. Back in 2009, PR measurement professionals were cautious, to say the least. Fifty-four percent of AMEC (The International Association of Measurement and Evaluation of Communications) members were worried about the health of the industry, predicting worsening market conditions. So it’s great news that this week the same membership has reported a 14% growth in revenues during the previous 12 months.

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Sitting Is Killing You. Yes, You.


We’ve all heard that sitting is going to kill us, yes? No? Oh, well let me terrify enlighten you. I’d tell you to sit down for this news, but well…you’ll see. Click to embiggen. Scared yet? *looks down at the chair I’ve been sitting in for…oh god I’m going to die*. I’m a fidgeter to begin with, but I’m also a reader and I have an unhealthy love for my dvr, so combined with work I can sit a lot during any given day.

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8 Stupid Simple Social Media Tricks to Boost SEO

Discover just how easy it is to boost SEO with social media.

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Recommendations have nothing to do with loyalty!

Direct Marketing Observations

Just saying that out loud sounds crazy but check this out. So let’s get this straight. If a brand hooks it’s customers up with coupons, and a customer takes them, because that’s what they are demanding, does that mean they are telling you or us that you can have their business? I think so. It means so long as you keep rewarding the customer- they will be your customer for life.

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All About Social Media Monitoring Tools [infographic]


Tweet Within the world of social media, we talk a lot about which tools that might be good to use when monitoring an online presence, since it can be tough to keep up with the stream of new tools. However, I think this infographic does a good job in providing an overview of different social media monitoring tools and the questions related that can be relevant for your business.

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Start-ups making social media part of the business model

Akamai Marketing

Once upon a time if you wanted to start a company you have two choices. Hit up your Dad for the cash or shlep down to the bank where you.

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Using Social Media To Avoid The Fires

Jason Yormark

One of the biggest challenges in my new role at Strategies 360 is going from developing social media strategies for B2B & B2C to less product/service focused clients. Most of our clients fall under non-profit, education, energy, & cause based organizations. Most of these firms are not selling a product or service, they are selling an idea or wanting to build awareness and support for their directives or initiatives.

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BlogWorld, Here I Come (And I Need Your Help)

Waxing UnLyrical

I’m really looking forward to next week. I know, it’s still seven days away, but the thing is that I will be heading up to New York City after three years (!) to attend my first-ever BlogWorld. First. Evah! And I have absolutely no idea what to expect. I’m told it’s huge, so I suspect my head will be spinning after just a few hours of getting there.