August, 2011

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Newsflash: PR is Not Easy, Cheap or Quick

Dave Fleet

Tweet. As I continue to work towards my challenge of reading 26 books in 2011 (an aside: I’m up to 18 right now – two ahead of schedule), I recently finished reading Michael Crichton’s book State Of Fear. Within it, one section got my attention, and neatly illustrates why so many people think PR is cheap and easy. For context, the following excerpt reflects a discussion on the media relations surrounding a new environmental conference, four days ahead of the first day of the c

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Facebook vs. Google+ [infographic]


Tweet Singlegain has compiled this infographic that compares Facebook with Google+. From the very beginning of its launch, there has been much debate whether Google+ will be an actual threat to Facebook’s dominance on the social media scene. Earlier this month, Google+ hit 24 million users, which makes it the fastest growing website ever to reach that size according to Reuters.

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The #1 Reason You’ll Want to Use Google+

Almost Savvy

If you’re still wondering if you ought to bother spending time getting to know yet another social network, I’ve got one big reason you might want to give Google+ a try. It is clear that the team at Google thought long and hard about how people and brands use Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and worked to incorporate the best features of all, while adding a few cool features we haven’t seen before.

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17 Digital Marketing Experts Share Their Top Tips, Tricks, and Tools

Techipedia: Tamar Weinberg

With the breadth and depth of social media services out there, it’s no wonder that we often find ourselves lost in the vast array of services. Further, those who are seasoned may seem at a loss in the apparent “simplicity&# of it all. I took the opportunity to contact some of my esteemed friends and colleagues who are experts in their field and asked for their advice on their favorite little known social media secret and social media tools, including their own if they had them.

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21 Advanced ChatGPT Prompts To Take Your Social Media to the Next Level

Upgrade your social media game with our in-depth playbook: "21 advanced ChatGPT prompts for social media managers". These powerful prompts are tailored to supercharge your content creation, strategy development, and results analysis. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to endless creativity as you effortlessly generate engaging posts, come up with original strategies, and optimize your social media performance - all in a fraction of the time.

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Autumn Transitions

Adam Cohen

It’s that time of year. Summer draws to a close, baseball season makes the home stretch to the playoffs, leaves change and school starts. For many it’s a new start and a change of seasons. Around this time in 2007, I started exploring how clients could benefit from leveraging social media to build and enhance relationships with customers. Today I am excited to share that I am starting a new position that allows me to focus on doing just that.

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Tool Tuesday: Twitter curation tools

Akamai Marketing

Its true we’re on information overload. We use multiple social networking platforms, which have different audiences and expectations. If you’re considering your audience, you’re wondering how you can add value. And if your considerting your schedule, your wondering how you can possibly catch everything? Enter: Twitter curation. There are several services that curate or organize tweets based on Twitter lists or keywords.

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More Trending

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Understanding Which Social Platforms to Choose When [infographic]


Tweet Right messaging on social media is as important as using the right channel to spread it. Actually, it is wise to say that they are interdependent. Selecting the right communication channel for the right business and saying the right things on it, is something that we have been emphasizing during a long time. Right channel, right message coupled with the right timing is the core of any social media strategy.

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10 Steps To Create An Awesome Google+ Profile

Almost Savvy

Once you sign-up for Google+, the first order of business should be to build your profile. As with any social networking site, your profile is your home base. It’s where you tell people what you’d like them to know about you. This is where you showcase the information you want to be publicly available when someone searches, or googles , you online.

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14 Guiding Principles of Social Media

Direct Marketing Observations

I live in Florida and hard times are visible everywhere. I’ve seen businesses open with promise and flair only to close within a year with nary a sound and barely an announcement. This extends to the houses in my neighborhood, the families that occupied them, and the jobs that the people who lived in them once had. All Gone. Empty. It sucks. I know some of these families.

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Austin Beckons

Waxing UnLyrical

There’s been a lot of chatter recently over conferences that have a voting component to their submissions. That’s because the “panel picker&# part of the 2012 South by SouthWest Interactive conference is currently in progress, ending on Friday, Sept. 2. I remember the first year I paid attention to SxSW. I wasn’t anywhere close to attending, but it was new to me, and I was in awe of people who were submitting proposals.

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Social Media Automation 101

A beginner's guide to social media automation tools and getting automation right.

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My Yearly Social Media Douchebag Audit

Jason Yormark

Along with the hyper growth of social media platforms over the past few. years, comes the army of awful marketers that spam, mislead and embellish their experience. The term Social Media Douchebag has seemed to be the winning term to describe these folks, and there are quite a few funny sites detailing their exploits (see here and here ). That being said, I feel it is my duty to perform a Social Media Douchebag audit on myself to ensure I don’t unwillingly succumb to the dark side.

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Book Review: Social Marketing to the Business Customer

Dave Fleet

Tweet. Despite all of the books out there about social media, most of them are pretty generic or focus on end-user 101s. So, when I heard about Social Marketing to the Business Customer (by Paul Gillin and Eric Schwartzman) , I picked-up a copy straight away — because I think the marketplace is desperately in need of solid B2B books offering practical social marketing advice.

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Studies Determining The Value of a Facebook Fan


Tweet At the moment, there is much discussion going on about the actual ROI of a social media presence. Many businesses going social are not sure how to measure their social media efforts and this makes them question how much to invest online. However, making some research on the subject, we found that the Danish company named Digital Works has recently published a great article about the actual value of a Facebook fan in their newsletter.

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How To Opt-Out of Social Ads on LinkedIn in 5 Clicks

Almost Savvy

UPDATE : LinkedIn changed the design of their social ads and posted a clarification to their policy. See below for the updated details. Oh, how I love LinkedIn! I often speak and write about LinkedIn , as well as provide a great deal of training to help others get the most out of the most powerful professional networking site online. As much as I also adore Twitter and Facebook, LinkedIn is still the one place to get started building your brand and career online.

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The Content Marketing Survival Guide: How to Navigate the Wilds of Social Media

Use this guide to inspire your creativity and ignite more successful and sustainable social media conversations.

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Is It Time To Reconsider Sentiment Scoring?

Buzz Marketing for Technology

In a recent blog post called The Problem with Automated Sentiment Analysis from Fresh Networks, a social media agency, they evaluated a few sentiment tools and their results are quite similar to what we’ve found in a number of our own experiments: - About 80% of posts are neither positive nor negative. - Sentiment tools “accuracy&# of 70% to 80% is largely driven by their ability to correctly label neutral posts. - “In our tests when comparing with a human ana

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Is Your Attempt at Inclusion an Insult?

Waxing UnLyrical

Guest post by Katrina Esco. Sometimes, a really great campaign gets noticed for the right reasons ( Starbucks’ “Pass the Cheer” campaign comes to mind.). Other times, despite our best intentions, we really step in it. Summer’s Eve has been in the hot seat for its talking vagina commercial series. The set of three commercials originally showed: a white woman who likes to use the product after the gym and says something about her BFFs, a Hispanic woman who has an accent and cries, “Ay-

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The Lost Art Of Getting Shit Done

Jason Yormark

On my flight back home last week I was sitting next to a woman who had her laptop out most of the flight. She was a Microsoftie no doubt, and I knew this as she was working on her yearly commitments. Commitment setting at Microsoft is a ridiculously long and tedious process that involves multiple pages of countless sections and sub-sections of big words talking about what you are going to do in the upcoming year.

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You Don’t Need To Know Everything

Dave Fleet

Tweet. I recently took on a new role within Edelman (it’s a good thing, don’t worry), and as a result have begun working with a new team – once again, spread across different offices. Last week, I made a trip down to our DC office to meet with several of them. You know what I did down there? I learned. I sat with each member of the team there and asked them what they did on a day-to-day basis; how they saw themselves within the team; what was going well and what wasn’t,

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Social Media Marketing GPS

SMGPS will tell you the why & how to use social media for marketing, 1 tweet at a time. You'll learn essentials in digestible little spoonfuls.

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Recipe for Successful Blogging


Tweet Blogging can be complicated and it is quite different from traditional writing styles. Blogging is a quick and an interactive way of expressing your ideas – more like online diaries, but written with an aim of making people read it. But many people face the problem of their blogs not getting enough traffic and the content not being read, inspite of putting a lot of effort in it.

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Google Expanded Sitelinks: Optimize Opening Text in META Description Tag

Adam Sherk

Google’s expanded sitelinks give sites greater exposure for branded searches and the ability to dominate the page one results above the fold. User reactions have been mixed so far (some find them overwhelming or borderline obnoxious) but Google is touting the user benefits and the expanded sitelinks appear to be here to stay. That means that sites should take advantage of the opportunity to increase clickthroughs to those pages by optimizing their META description tags in a slightly different wa

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HOW TO: Move a WordPress blog from one domain to another

Josh S Peters

The domain transfer is done! Shuaism is now JoshSPeters and I’m going to kick it off with a post about the 5 step process of moving your WordPress blog from one domain to another. 1. Prep Work. 2. Install WordPress on The New Domain. 3. Export and Import Your Blog Content. 4. Feeds, Change of Address, and Updates. 5. Let The World Know. 6. Have a Drink. 1.

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Are You Really My Friend?

Waxing UnLyrical

This post has been sitting in my dashboard for quite a while. Before I started writing it, though, it was just a lonely title, somewhat like a bemused shepherd who’s waylaid his sheep, and is wistfully whistling for them to gather (hey, nothing wrong with a shepherd whistling, is there?). You see, I just couldn’t find the right hook for it.

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How to Be Social: A Social Media Manifesto

Learn the 10 worst social media marketing mistakes and how to avoid them.

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It’s the people not the platform

Direct Marketing Observations

I was asked the other day via a tweet what was my biggest challenge when managing social media. I shot back, “It’s the people not the platform”. I’ve been thinking about that ever since. Was it the right answer? You see, there are thousands of companies out there right now that are wanting to tap into all that makes social business sexy right now-Finding new customers, tightening the relationships with existing ones, discovering new channels of business oh and making money.

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Thoughts on Disconnecting

Dave Fleet

Tweet. You may have noticed that things have been quieter than usual here recently. If you didn’t know, two weeks ago I got married and as I type this, I’m sitting on a plane on the way back from two blissful weeks spent completely offline on honeymoon in Italy. At the Colosseum in Rome. While many of our vacations focus on adventure and exploration, this time we made a conscious decision to set aside at least half of the vacation for relaxation as the last few months have been…

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The Science of Social Timing [infographic]


Tweet We all post content on Facebook. Sometimes it’s well read, sometimes not, in spite of putting in our best effort and intentions. Well, apart from what we post, it is important to know when we post. In this blog post, I will attempt to highlight the different social media timing preferences and how they impact different businesses by looking at Buddy Media’s report on effective wall posts published earlier this year together with a recent infographic by Dan Zarrella at HubSpot.

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How Do You Define Blogging Success?

Jason Yormark

My blog often stresses me out. As much as I enjoy writing and actually having a decent audience that actually reads what I write, it’s definitely become part of my regular routine. What was once just an occasional hobby has grown into more of a responsibility now that I have established a bit of an audience. I’m always looking to grow my readership through creating helpful, informative and entertaining content, marketing such content, and engaging with like minded readers.

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8 Stupid Simple Social Media Tricks to Boost SEO

Discover just how easy it is to boost SEO with social media.

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Online Classifieds in India & The Bottom of Pyramid

Atom Thought

At first we thought it was a joke! A buffalo listed on our classifieds portal- We decided to do a telephonic check. (Each ad on passes through a moderation check, and a few also go through telephonic check even after they appear on the site.). The results were even more surprising! The lister was genuine. He is a driver with MCD and had just sold his buffalo as well!

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The Right Way to Build Your Email List

Waxing UnLyrical

Almost two years ago I went on a bit of a rant about how much I hate being added to email lists without my permission , especially by people I’ve “met&# on Twitter or while out and about at a conference. I ran a Twtpoll on this, as well as a follow-up post , and for the most part, those who participated in the admittedly unscientific poll said that, as a practice, this sucks.

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5 Easy Ways To Optimize Your Website For Mobile


Apple iOS icons are a professional touch. Recently, HubSpot’s Website Grader began factoring mobile optimization in to its scores. After all, it’s about time for mobile platforms to be considered in the production of every website, as more people are owning smartphones. This doesn’t mean making a completely new version of the website built just for mobile.

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Building Content That Attracts Customers and Clients

Akamai Marketing

When your building content, you’ve got to remember not to be blinded by the demographics. Sort of. To explain: last we I talked about how you shouldn’t be too blinded by demographics in social media, because, people like to talk to other people, not marketers. What to Consider When Building Content. Guess what? The same is true of content.

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How Social Media is Used for Recruitment [Infographic]


Tweet Nowadays, most employers are using social networking sites to reach out to new talent. Recruitment through social media is not only easy, but also a cost effective and an efficient way to reach out to prospective employees, know their whereabouts and look at them in a social paradigm. At the same time, this is also a quick way to spread brand awareness through employer branding.