July, 2014

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Managing Facebook ads from your phone

Sherrilynne Starkie

'This is one of our Facebook Ads (Photo credit: The Cyphers Agency). Now advertisers have a new way to manage Facebook ads on the go. Ads Manager is now available on mobile devices. Using the Facebook (iOS, Android and mobile site) apps, marketers can now: Pause or resume campaigns. Edit budgets and schedules. View insights. Respond to alerts. The global roll out of this feature started this week.

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8 Resources and 3 Tips for PR Job Seekers

Waxing UnLyrical

'I did an informational interview with someone the other day. I don’t have a job to offer, but I do have a large network. So whenever I can, I try to chat with folks who are looking for help (as long as they aren’t barfshiners, or bent on picking my brain ), to see if I can pay it forward a bit. This young woman is in need of some resume/interview coaching.

Resources 272
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3 Super Quick Twitter Tips for Your Business


'Here are three super quick Twitter tips to get you better traction when using Twitter for your business so you will start seeing great results! 1. USING THE PERIOD BEFORE @ SIGN. If I start my tweet with an @ sign, only people who follow BOTH me and AND the person I am tweeting to will see this tweet. It won’t be seen by ALL of my followers. It won’t appear in their feed, unless they follow Mari Smith too: Why?

Tips 252
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5 Reasons Your Facebook Contest Failed


'Not every Facebook contest is a success. Here are five common reasons why they fail. #1: You didn’t promote it If you build it, they will not come. You’ve got to promote your contest. Send emails, put a prominent link on your website, run targeted social ads to raise awareness and drive traffic to your.

Facebook 238
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21 Advanced ChatGPT Prompts To Take Your Social Media to the Next Level

Upgrade your social media game with our in-depth playbook: "21 advanced ChatGPT prompts for social media managers". These powerful prompts are tailored to supercharge your content creation, strategy development, and results analysis. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to endless creativity as you effortlessly generate engaging posts, come up with original strategies, and optimize your social media performance - all in a fraction of the time.

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The Future of Digital Marketing According to the Giants

Webbiquity SMM

'Guest post by Clayton Wood. Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft have been making acquisitions that could change the way digital marketing is done in the near future. What seemed to be objects of science-fiction books and shows are now being developed in the real world, and may be used for marketing. These companies have also made purchases that many people didn’t quite think were obvious, but perfectly made sense in hindsight.

Yahoo 195
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Social Media Impacts a Pet Grooming Business

The Social Media Incubator

'Many businesses in varying industries wonder what, if anything, social media can do for them, and every industry is different when it comes to forming a social media strategy. Other times, social media can have an effect on a business without a direct posting to a social media site. In one example of this, Chanhassen Groomers gained a client from a post on Facebook by Noah’s Memorial Classic , a charity golf event benefitting SIDS research. “Donating to Noah’s benefit already

More Trending

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Social Media Measurement for Pragmatists

Waxing UnLyrical

'Guest Post by Robert Rosenthal. I like studying results-based information from social media experts. Much of it is fascinating and useful. But I’ve noticed a tendency among some to repeat behavior I saw early in my career in paid media: act as if tracking to the bottom line – especially where social media measurement is concerned – is pointless or impossible.

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Content Marketing In The Social Age

Atom Thought

'Recently there was an article in Forbes magazine about how TV is not going anywhere and that TV Content viewing is increasing after the onslaught of social media. The expert being interviewed said that social media popularity has not dwindled the popularity of TV My view is that we need to understand that each platform.

Content 159
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How To See What’s Being Pinned From Competitors’ Websites


'Paul Stringer / Shutterstock.com Pinterest web analytics will show you content being pinned from your own domain, but what if you’re curious about what’s being pinned from competitors’ websites? There’s a quick and easy (and free) way to find out! Simply use this URL: [link] Enter your competitor’s domain in the appropriate spot and you.

URL 222
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3 TED Talks That Uncover the Secrets of Storytelling

Convince & Convert

'When I decided to write an article on brand storytelling inspired by TED talks, I went about it all wrong. Scouring YouTube for tactics, elements, and components of brand storytelling, I was aiming to find five or ten (or 17) actionable tips that you can use to tell you brand’s story. I was already boring myself to death and I hadn’t even begun to write.

YouTube 167
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Social Media Automation 101

A beginner's guide to social media automation tools and getting automation right.

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Can Marketing Lessons Be Learned From Weird Al Yankovic?

The Social Media Incubator

'Social media has become one of the fastest growing tools for many industries in the last decade. Each week we take a look at how social media has changed, as well as new trends in the industry. This week: Facebook added a new feature to bolster their news service, Weird Al Yankovic provides a great marketing case study, and Google is giving prominent search placement to users.

Marketing 179
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Social Networking Stats: Global Spending on Facebook Ads Increases 50%, #RLTM Scoreboard

The Realtime Report

'The #RLTM Scoreboard: Social Networking Stats for the Week. Facebook: 1.23 billion monthly active users. via Facebook. YouTube. over 1 billion monthly unique users. via YouTube. Twitter: 255 million monthly active users. via VentureBeat. Qzone: 599 million monthly active users. via TechCrunch. Sina Weibo: over 500 million users. via The Next Web.

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15 Blog Headlines That Don’t Suck

Waxing UnLyrical

'I confess. If you came here looking for 15 blog headlines that don’t suck… you were sucked in. By a blog headline that didn’t suck! “Find ways to get people to your blog !” “Draw your audience in!” “ Make sure your headline doesn’t suck !” How many times have we heard all that? Yes. I know.

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Google Quality Rater Guidelines 2014

Bill Hartzer

'I just got ahold of the latest copy of Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines, with a date of March 2014. It’s an interesting read, all 160 pages of this document. There are a lot of new phrases and concepts that are included in this latest version, but honestly there’s are really not many new surprises. But, if you’re in the online marketing business, are an SEO, or own a website, then you really should take a look at the latest guidelines, if just to make sure that your web

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The Content Marketing Survival Guide: How to Navigate the Wilds of Social Media

Use this guide to inspire your creativity and ignite more successful and sustainable social media conversations.

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Nobody Comes Close To Beating (Or Even Touching) Facebook When It Comes To Social Media Referral Traffic


'Denys Prykhodov / Shutterstock.com If one of the goals of your social media marketing efforts is referral traffic to your web assets, I hope you’re not ignoring Facebook. Despite legitimate concerns about decreased organic reach in the News Feed, a recent report by Shareaholic shows that Facebook was the Q2 2014 social media referral traffic leader and drove.

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How to Be Visual (Even When You’re not an Artist)

Convince & Convert

'The master said it best: visuals are now the most important element of content marketing. This can be a little terrifying if, like me, you’re what I would politely call “artistically challenged.” I’m not being modest. In middle school, I only got one “B.” It was in art, and the teacher was being generous. Here is what I turned in for my final project: (It’s supposed to be a bird.

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Gallup Poll: Social Media Doesn’t Influence Purchases

The Social Media Incubator

'photo courtesy: Getty Images. Are consumers really influenced by content they see on social media? Gallup released a recent poll that suggests a majority of users aren’t influenced by social media to make purchases. This may sound like bad news for businesses who have invested time and money in social media marketing efforts, but it’s important to look at the details of this poll before panicking.

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Social Networking Stats: Facebook Tops 1.32 Billion Monthly Active Users, #RLTM Scoreboard

The Realtime Report

'The #RLTM Scoreboard: Social Networking Stats for the Week. Facebook: 1.32 billion monthly active users. via Facebook. YouTube. over 1 billion monthly unique users. via YouTube. Twitter: 255 million monthly active users. via VentureBeat. Qzone: 599 million monthly active users. via TechCrunch. Sina Weibo: over 500 million users. via The Next Web.

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Social Media Marketing GPS

SMGPS will tell you the why & how to use social media for marketing, 1 tweet at a time. You'll learn essentials in digestible little spoonfuls.

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Match Makers go Social by Breaking Stereotypes

Waxing UnLyrical

'[Ed: The tradition of arranged - as opposed to "love" - marriages has been practiced in India for centuries, and is still a thriving and commonly accepted practice on the sub-continent. A relatively recent proliferation of matchmaking sites is bringing the tradition in step with the tech age.]. Most of you reading this post have, or will go through, a phase in life where it seems the only goal of your friends, family and strangers is to get you married!

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Hashtags, the Good the Bad, the Oh So Ugly

Janet Fouts

'It can’t be over-stated how important it is to research a hashtag before you use it and to give a little thought to what people may do with it once you unleash it on the world. Sometimes the best intentions can go stunningly awry. Some lovely examples for your amusement are below. I stuck to Twitter posts simply because they’re easier to embed, but most or all of these hashtags appear across social platforms.

Hashtag 156
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4th of July And Social Media: 4 Must-Reads


'Americans celebrate the 4th of July with BBQs and fireworks, but brands can create “fireworks” of their own on social media this Independence Day. Check out the four must-reads below to learn how. 4th of July: Three Social Media Sites That Shouldn’t Take a Holiday By Deborah Sweeney Holidays are a prime opportunity to put.

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How to Create People-Powered Content That Works for Your Brand

Convince & Convert

'Brands are spending millions of dollars and countless hours producing content in an effort to vie for their customer’s attention. According to a study by Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs , B2C companies currently spend about a quarter of their budget on content marketing and 60% have plans to increase those budgets next year. While brands should be applauded for shifting from delivering ads to delivering valuable content, that approach only goes so far, especially when you’re tryi

Brands 167
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How to Be Social: A Social Media Manifesto

Learn the 10 worst social media marketing mistakes and how to avoid them.

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Why Foursquare and I Split Up

Ari Herzog

'After 2,240 check-ins, 669 photos, 106 tips, 46 badges, and 21 mayorships, I deleted my Foursquare account. I explained my reasons on their deletion form: “You lost me by splitting into two apps. I don’t want two apps. I want one app.” “I never used Foursquare to find places; I used and still use Yelp.” “I used Foursquare for the function that is now on Swarm.

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75% of Apps Are Used At Least Seven Times Per Month

The Realtime Report

'As users spend more internet hours on mobile apps than online on PCs and laptops, is has become essential for brands to reach their costumers using mobile. So how can brands measure the success of their app? The number of downloads is a useful metric, but it’s just a starting point: of those who download the app, how many are retained, and how often are they opening the app?

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Twitter and Television: A Match Made In Heaven

Waxing UnLyrical

'I have a confession to make. When I’m asked how I like to spend my free time, I tend to hem and haw. “Riding my bike,” or “reading up on the day’s news” are the answers I usually give, and those are true. But deep down inside, I know that the truth is the box that sits in my living room. Television. I have an unhealthy love for, and obsession with, television. “The Blacklist.” “Sons of Anarchy.” “The Walking Dead.” “J

Twitter 197
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Not a Bad Gimmick: The World’s Highest Press Release

Adam Sherk

'London-based Houston PR is blasting out (yes, that’s an intended pun) a gimmicky press release to announce its relocation and rebranding. It has put out what it believes to be the world’s highest press release: While I’m not a particular fan of PR gimmicks or shotgun pitches I like this one, so I’ll bite. I also think if you manage to get your press release 27 miles above the earth that deserves a shout-out.

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8 Stupid Simple Social Media Tricks to Boost SEO

Discover just how easy it is to boost SEO with social media.

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Agile, Data-Driven, Burgers And MixWest: An interview With Duncan Alney


'Your Current Approach to Marketing Could Make You Irrelevant. Fast. If you and your marketing team are still operating in a paradigm of business as usual, you are in a very difficult position. In fact, you might be facing extinction. These strong words are part of Duncan Alney’s upcoming keynote presentation — Agile Marketing: How.

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The 12 Startups I’ve Invested In and Why

Convince & Convert

'I was having dinner with a friend at the National Speakers Association conference a few days ago. During dinner, this friend (let’s call him “Chris Ducker” because it was Chris Ducker ) said something about Buffer. I mentioned that I am an investor in that company, and Chris said, “You are? I had no idea you did that kind of stuff.” And it got me thinking about how I almost never write about the work I do as a venture capitalist and advisor.

Startup 168
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The Not-So Secret Guide to Twitter Lists

Janet Fouts

'What are Twitter lists anyway? A Twitter list is a curated group of users on Twitter. When the list is viewed, the posts of the people added to that list show up in the list’s stream. Basically it’s a way to group interesting people on specific subjects or other groups (clients, friends, competitors, movie stars) to more easily follow whatever topic brought them all together.

List 140
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2014 World Cup: Social Media Campaign Round-Up

The Realtime Report

'The 2014 World Cup was host to countless ad campaigns, and record breaking social media statistics. Here are some of the brands that created tons of social media buzz during the month-long tournament: Adidas . Adidas has been crowned as the ‘ most talked about ‘ brand connected to the 2014 World Cup, generating 1.59 million conversations across Twitter, Facebook, blogs and Tumblr.

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Monday Roundup: Context

Waxing UnLyrical

'The situation within which something happens – or an idea is stated – is often times just as important, if not more so, than what is being conveyed. Context changes meaning, and can often impact your audience’s feelings and, therefore, how they react to your message. This week’s roundup features seven posts from around the web that focus on context.